
Examination of 15,000 buses.. How did “Development of Educational Transport” face the pandemic?

Tatweer Company for Educational Transportation Services issued its annual business and achievements report for 2020, which includes an overview of the company's performance and the most prominent achievements over the past year, especially during the Corona pandemic period.

The company participated in transporting citizens returning from abroad, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education within the “Safe Return” initiative, during which it transferred more than 48,000 male and female citizens from air and land ports to their places of residence, in addition to transporting medical personnel participating in the initiative in 9 cities around The kingdom.

The company seeks to align its strategic objectives with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 by developing the educational transport sector to ensure the provision of sustainable, comfortable and highly reliable transport services and the development of a high-quality competitive environment for service providers, by opening partnerships with the private sector to encourage sustainability in operations and develop integration with transport. General and logistics.

In an effort to improve operational processes, automate all transportation processes, and raise levels of security and safety; The company has developed nine applications, programs and systems that enhance the principle of control and transparency in its services, and the company has moved towards cloud computing, which allows high flexibility in updating data, assisting in managing risks and disasters, contributing to maintaining data security and protecting devices from any cyber attacks, in addition to contributing In preparing the systems infrastructure for the ability to respond to any emergency events to work remotely and conduct business without being affected.

The company succeeded, during the period of suspension of the school transport service due to the Corona pandemic, in conducting a comprehensive technical development with the aim of improving the level of service, as it developed the “My Bus” application, an easy system for managing institutional resources, the smart monitor system, and the system for technical support reports for transportation technologies. The company also succeeded in enabling the remote work environment during Corona pandemic.

In order to implement precautionary measures; The company was inspired by its experience in the safe return initiative and its success in implementing the procedures and testing the ability of its fleet to manage transportation operations and prepare in the event of the return of the attendance study in order to preserve the safety of male and female students, as it developed an integrated guide for precautionary measures and health requirements for school transportation based on the protocols and recommendations issued by the relevant authorities Relationship.

The company carried out a field examination of more than 15,000 buses and monitored all observations on the contractors and followed up on their treatment, as the company applies the highest standards of security and safety through field observers who inspect the buses to ensure their operational safety and apply all safety and security standards and requirements, which resulted in a reduction in the accident rate of 70 % over the past year

In the context of empowering women, the company has attracted the most prominent female cadres according to the requirements and needs and in various fields to contribute to the advancement of the company’s effective role in the field of educational transportation in the Kingdom, where the number of the company’s female employees has increased by 61%.

The company attaches great importance to its customers by allocating 10 communication channels with the aim of ensuring beneficiary satisfaction, providing all services and responding to inquiries. As a result, the company achieved 98% in the level of customer service quality for all communication channels.

The report indicated that the Transport Development Company signed a number of agreements and partnerships, as a step to find a sustainable partnership to develop systems and raise the level of transport services in the Kingdom, including a memorandum of understanding with the Saudi Arabian Industrial Investments Company “Dusur” to study opportunities for localizing the bus industry, and a memorandum of understanding with the Saudi Authority The industrial cities and technology zones have “cities” to develop transport products and provide their logistical services, and sign agreements and partnerships with a number of government agencies supporting the transport sector.

Tatweer Educational Transportation Services Company has great potentials that made it at the forefront of the largest companies specialized in school transportation

In the Middle East, with a fleet of more than 30,000 buses and vehicles transporting more than 1.2 million students, in addition to transporting more than 30,000 students with disabilities through vehicles equipped to provide a safe and comfortable transportation service in various regions of the Kingdom.